Single Moms in Distress

Single Moms in Distress

Keeping a family in their home for Christmas 2022

6 year Navy Veteran waiting on her disability rating from the VA. Has found a new job, but leasing agent didn’t care and said make a payment or you are out – others waiting for your apartment.

“I have one last client for the year to refer – if you have funding. NK

She is at risk for eviction – single mother 2 children ages 12 and 16. Amount needed: $2000 Venmo: N#####K##  Ashley Taylor, The Warrior Alliance”

One week later … $500 via venmo for gifts for her two kids…

Apartment Down Payment December 21st 2022 (with Code of Support)

Navy 100% disability rating including PTSD. She is a single mother of two children, 10 and 14.

After moving from Atlanta for a new position she was offered, the position was closed due to lack of funds, leaving her with no job and a recent lease that it was too high for just one person’s income. She had struggled to pay for the rent, which she was not able to afford any longer, and now she is in the process of losing that place.  She found another job and started on 12/05, and also found another apartment on which she will be paying much less, but she will need to come up with $850 to pay for prorated rent and deposit before 12/26. This is before she receives the first check from her new job.

We are requesting support for the deposit and prorated amount of rent, for the amount of $850 as she is self-sufficient moving forward.

Eviction Prevention Monday December 19th

Less than 5 days from eviction… $4,912 with America’s Warrior Partner She is a disabled veteran with a daughter. Veteran needs financial assistance to keep her housing. Veteran has been denied by multiple organizations.

Turned electricity back on for pregnant mom. (via America’s Warrior Partnership) March 2023

Combat deployed veteran with a 100% disability rating. She is pregnant and has a 7-year-old son in the home. Due to an expensive car repair, she has gotten behind on her electricity bill and it has been cut off. She says that she needs $350 to have it reinstated. Done.



March 2023 (via Code of Support)

“Army Female veteran, 90% service connected, in Mississippi. She has a child (age 15). She is diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD. She had multiple triggers these past months that paralyzed her to pay bills on time. She is currently behind by two months. She has been accepted for inpatient Mental health treatment through the Wounded Warrior Project but can not be admitted or given a date of admission without having her affairs in order. In order to achieve a date for inpatient treatment she needs to pay the past due amount of rent of $1,360, utilities of $1123.10, and car total of $2,763.07.  The amount needed is $5,246.17. I am working with her to raise her disability to 100% so she can become employable, getting in contact with the Women’s Vet Center, and peer support groups. She has been to budget and is sustainable moving forward.”

April 2023 (via America’s Warrior Partnership) Single Mom – Car Repossession – $2,700

TDF special paid within 1 hour of request…

“I am currently working with a veteran who fell on hard times and had their car repossessed. Veteran has a disability rating and two kids. Veteran needs 2700 to get their car back. Please let me know if you would be able to assist veteran.