Suicide Assistance: Helping a Family Grieve and Recover 2020
“My name is Chief Master Sergeant Chris Williams. I am currently assigned to the Joint Special Operations Command at Ft. Bragg, NC. I have been referred to your organization by my USSOCOM Care Coalition teammate, Mr. Trent Graves for some possible assistance for my brother’s family.
Yesterday (4/2) I learned my younger brother Jonathan took his own life, leaving behind his wife Kelly and two children Connor (12) and Carolyn (15). VA Treatment: Had been getting VA treatment for many years for a myriad of issues. Depression, Anxiety, on and off prescribed medications.
If it is in the realm of the possible, I kindly ask for consideration of their situation and near term needs. They are not financially secure, and I am doing what I can in the meantime.
Renters Insurance will not cover the fully certified biohazard cleanup crew. Cost $5,000~. renter’s insurance covered only $3,000. Until its clean, they cannot utilize the space nor get moved out. Currently displaced from apartment at parent’s house, but looking for hotel to stay in the interim. Gave apartment complex 30 days notice today. Behind on rent one month, plus final few days. $2,119~. Looking for new apartment and will get moved out soonest. I will be there to get this done.
They are using PD grief counseling and other city services for the near term.”
Sergeant, USMC. Served 1995-1999. Dragon Gunner, Embassy security roles in Serbia. Stationed in Crete, Okinawa, Lejeune.
Biohazard cleaning and moving costs: $5,000